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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is Palin the Ultimate Pander?

McCain and the new Veep candidate -- Picture courtesy of McCain for President

by blogSpotter
I'm in a position that previously derided when other people were in it -- I'm absolutely undecided about who to vote for in the 2008 presidential election. In previous years, I really thought undecideds should have "stupid" stamped across their foreheads ... how could they not hew to a party’s direction even if they're not in love with the candidate? That was then, this is now. This year, we have a centrist Republican ("McSame") running against a reputedly uber-liberal Democrat -- but one who has shape-shifted a lot on the campaign trail.

I would normally vote Democratic, but I'm stopped in my tracks by a candidate who won his scant Senate time on a fluke (opponent was taken down by a sex scandal). Also, this candidate comes across to me as glib, insincere, inexperienced and untrustworthy. I think W Bush showed us how horrific a political "newby" can be -- why would we bring another one to the White House? Joe Biden is a consummate DC insider and does very little to ease the "used car" quality I'm seeing at the top of the ticket.

Now the GOP convention in Saint Paul is being overshadowed by a storm. No, not Hurricane Gustav but rather Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and qualifications to run for the office of VP. She’s garnered the anger of Hillary-brand feminists who feel that McCain’s choice of Palin is the ultimate pander. She’s pro-life, pro-NRA, and apparently pro-creationism. By one account, I actually heard that she said that opposite views should be heard, not precisely that creationism should be part of the curriculum.

Now adding fuel to the fire of conservative ire is Palin’s 17-year old daughter Bristol; she’s unmarried and 5 months pregnant. Palin’s husband had a DWI 22 years ago. (Excuse me, didn’t W Bush have a DWI in 1976?). She apparently voted for the 'Bridge to Nowhere' before she voted against it. And she’s under investigation for trying to fire a state official in a matter concerning her sister’s divorce. We almost have enough plot elements here to start a CBS mini-series; but none of the aforementioned family issues would dissuade me from voting for someone -- maybe I’m OK with high drama and ordinary human missteps.

The biggest complaint against Palin is that she has a thin resume. I must ask, thinner than Obama’s? Conservatives are irritated that McCain has taken experience off the table as a campaign issue -- one of the few issues that he owned. Others fret that a 72 year-old with 3 cancer recurrences may be a heartbeat away from being permanently away.

I don’t know at this point. Several of our Supreme Court justices are elderly and close to either retirement or the Great Beyond. Maybe I’ll hold my nose and vote a party line in the hope that something is salvaged -- if only some good Supremes.

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