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Monday, September 03, 2007

Fun with Bill and Hill

The Bill and Hill Show -- Picture courtesy Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
Was thinking of how it might play out if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency in 2008. The GOP was so rankled by three terms of FDR, they enacted the 22nd Amendment in 1951, barring any person from serving more than two consecutive terms. Now if Hill and Bill come back to town, Americans may get eight more years of the "Hill and Bill" show. They'll swap name tags, but who can say that the result will differ by much. Assuming that Hillary is over that Monica thing, I'm guessing that the Clintons at least share a bed -- if only just for sleeping. Even so, they share common political views and I can't help thinking what their "Pillow Talk" will be....

"Did you take your cholesterol pill?"
"Yes Honey"
"Would you be a darling and turn out the light"
"And what do you think I should do about Immigration?"
"Well, I think the John McCain compromise wasn't half bad -- it could probably be floated by the American people one more time ..."

So much for True Romance. This is the ultimate power couple and each needs the other one for intense, passionate, hot, sweaty policy wonk discussions. If they never do much more than air kisses and butt pats, they still have an impressive marriage.

Bill has said that as "First Gentleman" he will gladly do some of the things done by traditional First Ladies. He'll decorate the White House Christmas Tree, help entertain Heads of State and maybe even sponsor improvement programs like "Reading is Fundamental", "Just Say No" or "Beautify America". He's a social, convivial man and in truth he may have the best of all worlds -- freedom to roam while still wielding enormous influence over public policy. (As a "damn Liberal" that doesn't bother me too much. :-)). I can't imagine what Bill would say "No" to, and he would probably prefer to beautify America more with leggy women than with blue bonnets and wild flowers.

This last speculation makes me wonder about how Hill will situate Bill's office. If I were her, I'd put him in the West Wing, just down the hall. She should put hidden cameras and mikes everywhere -- tell him it's a requirement of the Secret Service. Maybe put a tracking device on his leg, to make sure where he is at all times. To be honest, Bill was such a horn dog that it's questionable whether he could make it all the way to the men's room or the water fountain without having an affair. At minimum, it seems like he would "honk" a woman's breasts somewhere in the hallway. A last good measure would be to give him either a male secretary or a much older, wiser female secretary. And don't allow interns anywhere near him. It might be that Hillary has "reasoned it away" and doesn't really care what Bill does as long as he's discreet.

Talk show comedians and trashy news magazines are the least of the beneficiaries -- all of America would up the entertainment ante if the Hill and Bill show were to come back for an eight year encore. Let’s see what happens – “Billary” might even enact some good policy, rebalance the budget and get us out of Iraq.

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