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Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Bigger Bang

big bang
Cast of The Big Bang theory -- Picture courtesy of CBS

by blogSpotter
CBS' Big Bang Theory is new this season, and it lives up to its name. I've often thought I was too smart for my own good, and this show bears it all out. Intelligence is a curse -- that is if it goes to the extreme of geekiness. Big Bang centers around two nerdy college guys, Leonard and Sheldon, who live across the hall from a comely blonde woman named Penny. Leonard is played by show-biz vet Johnny Galecki (Darlene's boyfriend on Roseanne) and Sheldon is played to perfection by newcomer Jim Parsons. Kaley Kuoco is Penny, the blonde eye candy. She's a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory and a source of fascination to Leonard.

What makes the show fantastic is the verifiably nerdy dialog -- there clearly is a computer science geek on the writing staff. On the very first episode, Leonard and Sheldon both have white boards full of equations. Each is trying to win Penny over with his respective mathematical proof. Needless to say, Penny is unimpressed by this wayward mating ritual. In later episodes it appears that Leonard is slightly more socially adept than Sheldon and also has it bad for Penny. Knowing that his chances are slim, he attempts to ingratiate himself w/ her, while trying not to let on that he has a crush. Sheldon is more "out there" and has a bit more trouble with real one-on-one human relationships. In typical dialog, Sheldon will miss the overall point of a discussion to argue over scientific minutia.

As if Leonard and Sheldon weren't geeky enough, their friends Howard and Rajesh have been thrown into the mix. Howard kids himself that he's a lady's man, though his comb-over and poor track record speak for themselves. Rajesh is so terrified of beautiful women that he freezes and can't speak when in the presence of Penny. When you get these four into a room with a woman, there will be heat -- heat generated from discussions about relativity or dark matter. There will be no sexual heat. If it weren't for the hilarious presentation of the material, I'd almost cry rather than laugh; it's all too familiar and realistically captured. One has to thank God that there is the occasional pretty woman that is charmed by a smart man. It looks like they may be building towards a Leonard-Penney romance in the next season. Let's stay tuned to The Big Bang Theory and see if love truly can conquer all.

You can catch The Big Bang Theory on CBS Mondays 7:30PM CST -- (CC) TV-14.

© 2007 blogSpotter

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